Summer School: The Birth of Solar Systems

Theme: Evolution, Observation, and Modelling of Protoplanetary Disks and Planet Formation
Location: Bertinoro, Italy
Dates: 25 February – 6 March 2025


Registration instructions will follow soon
Accommodation and meal prices per person per night between 24 February (arrival) and 7 March (departure):

Accommodation type Price (EUR)
Single room at fortress 62,-
Single room at Episcopal Palace 57,-
Single room at Hotel Colonna 65,-
Double room at fortress 53,-
Single room at Episcopal Palace 47,-
Single room at Hotel Colonna 50,.
Meals for the whole confeence 450,-

Meals and lodging costs up to a max amount of around EUR 100,- per day will be refunded for recipients of bursaries from the COST Action “The birth of Solar Planets” (see eligibility criteria on the “General Information” page).

Strictly no refunds will be paid to people registering and not participating in the school. We recommend a travel insurance for emergency cases hindering attendees from participation.



Application to the spring school "The Birth of Solar Systems" is now closed. There have been more than 120 applicants. We plan to notify candidates about the selection before Christmas.
