External Events

The astrobiology community is alive with activity! Please read below about upcoming events from our external partners.

Conference_Are We a Unique Species on a Unique Planet – or are we just the ordinary Galactic standard

Conference: Are We a Unique Species on a Unique Planet? – or are we just the ordinary Galactic standard?

Conference in Copenhagen July 30 to August 2, 2024, on the theme “from exoplanetary formation, via pre-biology and habitability, to the future of life”, addressing questions like “What determines whether an interstellar cloud of gas and dust collapses into a habitable or a lifeless planetary system?”, “Is our Solar system special?”, “Is there a great filter that we cannot pass on our evolution toward higher intelligence? and can we observe it?”. These and many more questions about the conditions that eventually will lead to the ability for live to develop on some of the many exoplanetary systems being discovered today will be discussed by leading scientists within the wide range of areas that illuminates the field.

Full program, list of subjects and invited speakers, and registration, can be found on their website.

Deadline for early registration (250€) is May 1, and for late registration (300€) July 1, 2024.

Contact: Uffe Gråe Jørgensen, uffegj[a]nbi.dk


COST/DAN 2024 Summer School on the Astrochemistry of Star & Planet Formation

Announcing the 2024 COST/DAN Summer School on Astrochemistry, taking place from 26-30 August 2024 in Groningen, The Netherlands.

Organised by COST Action NanoSpace (CA21126) and the Dutch Astrochemistry Network (DAN), this event aims to provide PhD students and young researchers with specialized knowledge in astrochemistry, including theoretical and experimental tools. The programme features sessions on astrophysical context, chemical processes in space, laboratory techniques, numerical models and theory, and the future of astrochemistry, along with practical exercises and a participant poster session.

The school will be held in person with attendance limited to 50-60 trainees, prioritising PhD students and young researchers. There is no registration fee, and financial support will be available for a significant number of participants, particularly those from Inclusiveness Target Countries (ITC) and Near Neighbour Countries (NNC).

Confirmed lecturers include renowned experts from leading institutions across Europe. For detailed information on the programme, registration, and logistics, please visit the school’s website.


Conference: Interdisciplinary Origin of Life Meeting 2024 (IOoL2024)

September 23-25, 2024, Strasbourg, France

OoLEN is pleased to announce that the Interdisciplinary Origin of Life Meeting 2024 (IOoL2024) will take place at the University of Strasbourg in the Palais Universitaire building in Strasbourg, France, on 23rd - 25th September, 2024. This event is a fantastic opportunity for early career researchers to reconnect and join in discussions about the future of the field of origins of life.

All early-career researchers who actively work in Origin of Life research and connected fields (master, PhD, post-doc, PI < 3 years) are encouraged to apply and will have the opportunity to present their research and expand their professional network. An OoLEN membership is encouraged but not required to attend the meeting.

Further information: https://www.oolen.org/news-and-events/in-person-meetings/iool2024/
Direct link to registration: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1qZh-5cMes0XTgCiiqK_BRV3lPLxrnyaqZwhixbsu_MU/
Extended registration deadline: June 21, 2024
Cost: No fee, but participants are responsible for their own travel and accommodation!
Contact: Yannick Geiger, y.geiger@unistra.fr

IOoL24 Organizing Committee: Yannick Geiger, Celia Blanco, Omer Markovitch (co-organizers: Golo Storch (CRC 392 Molecular Evolution in Prebiotic Environments), Fondation Jean-Marie Lehn)
OoLEN Executive Board: Silke Asche, Alexandre Champagne, Zhen Peng, Loraine Schwander, Klaus Paschek