Where no one has gone before: Scientific takes on alien life in fiction

This seminar is part of the EAI on-line seminars

By Julie Noivaková, Charles University Prague, Czech Republic

20 October 2020, 16:00 CET

From medieval Japanese folk tales to modern science fiction, people have always imagined whether there could be life outside of the Earth. But only recent decades brought us the means to “go where no one has gone before” and test it. How has older and contemporary fiction imagined life on Venus, Mars, Europa or in other star systems entirely, and what can current science say about that?

Author, biologist and educator Julie Nekola Nováková will lead us on this journey through space and time and show the way science fiction can help us understand and communicate science, such as in the e-book anthology Strangest of All, edited for the European Astrobiology Institute.